2003-07-20, 9:23 a.m.

Just as I was about to tape my second episode of the Justice League cartoon. I turned on the television, and I mourned. In place of vibrant colors and hot cartoon chicks, there was... nothing but scrambled static. They took my cable away.

Fuckers. They teased me. And some might call it a mistake. A more paranoid man might call it conspiracy... So yeah, let's call it conspiracy.

Sure, they made Batman into kind of a pussy, and it didn't make sense that Metamorpho, or whatever the fuck his name was, didn't just morph into a decent looking guy instead of turning into literally every other substance created including Kryptonite.... Okay, whatever. The fucking bastards hooked me and then they took my love away.

I'm still not giving them my fifty bucks a month. Can't afford it. But. I will give them this: ..!.,

It was good while it lasted, sweet cable. I'll miss you.

MurderWorldCast Dear Fuckhead...
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