2003-08-07, time for a smoke

I'm down to my last two packs of cheap, imported, (and possibly fake) smokes.

I can't be buying cigarettes from the gas station, man. If liquor store robberies go way up in the city of Chicago, you know you can come to my house to find the perpetrator.

It takes five weeks for those fools to send me smokes. That's five weeks of regular price cigarettes. That's approximately

Pause. Calculating.

FUCKing Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars!

Jesus what the fuck am I thinking smoking cigarettes.... this is why I'm poor all the time. Wow. I've got to think about that.

I've got to have a smoke and think about that. I've got to have a smoke and think about that while I order some more smokes.

I think I would spend less money if I just smoked joints instead of cigarettes.

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