2003-08-17, time is your enemy

He'll Save Every One of Us!

I had to go into work late last night. I woke up from one of four or five naps and saw that Flash Gordon was on TV. That's like a gift from God, man.

I can still hear the music in my head. Fucking Queen. If you have not seen Flash Gordon, I urge you to stand outside the local HollyWood Video (not the local BlockBuster), and rent it.

I saw it for the first time when I was eleven, so I'll offer you this advice: If you're not currently eleven, you may need some kind of drug to invoke the same kind of reaction I get. I watch it through a haze of nostalgia and good feeling. These feelings may not be present in you - the objective, adult viewer.

So when it was over I went to work.

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